Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bonnieville Bacon Creek Historical Society Membership Drive

Our mission is to rediscover the rich heritage that exists through our Bacon Creek, Bonnieville, Hart County, Ky community. Our goal is to preserve that heritage and share our history with the surrounding communities and visitors to our area. We are interested in building collections and sharing information, genealogy, artifacts and photographs relating to the early settlers and history of our area. Areas of interest include: Bacon Creek, Frenchman's knob, Civil War Camp Jefferson, our Baseball and tourism history during the Bonnieville Bombers era continuing till today. Our society is interested in growth opportunities to help build a better community.

Be a part of what comes next, become a member today !

Annual dues
individual: $15.
family: $25.

Email us for additional information on joining the society and be a part of our upcoming events.


Bacon Creek Historical Society Meetings are held at 6pm cst
the 1st Thursday of every month at Bonnieville City Hall.